Supporting local community
Did you know that we employ over 65 local staff at our surfboard factory in Surabaya, Indonesia, supporting local families by providing them with skilled job opportunities, collaborative working conditions and well above average wages?
We love seeing our team of in-house shapers sharing the tricks of the trade with our local workers. We collaborate with a wide range of international shapers, including Rod Dahlberg, Phil Myers, Jason Flanagan, Nick Blair and Dave Verrall, who visit the factory regularly to perfect their models and innovate on surfboard shape and design. We are honoured to be able to work with so many amazing shapers!
Our boards and driven and tested by our team of international and local riders across Bali, Australia and New Zealand. In New Zealand we support and sponsor grassroots youth talent through to the older respected generations, including from Kora Cooper and Brie Bennett, to Luke Cederman, Sam Mathers, Daniel Kereopa and Miohia Kelly.
In our production, we use only the best techniques and raw materials, sourced from Australia, Germany and the US to ensure our surfboards are manufactured to the highest quality standards, including:
- Surfboard blanks made onsite in our blank plant using quality FomulaOne blank materials
- Colan Australia for the carbon fibre in our surfboards
- We use genuine FCS and Futures fin systems in all our boards
- High-grade Paulownia wood for the stringers in our surfboard blanks
- Allnex composites formulated resin from Germany
- Aerolite cloth from BGF Industries in the US
We are working hard on practicing more sustainable work practices and care for our environment in everything we do.
So thank you very much for your ongoing support! It flows directly through to our factory, our workers and the local community!